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Youth and children's home gets facelift thanks to MHP

Shovels and pickaxes instead of laptops and flip charts!

120 MHP employees left their laptops and flip charts to one side last Friday (April 20) and instead reached for shovels and pickaxes in order to aid a good cause. The objective: Revitalise and modernise the outdoor area of the Linzgau youth and children's home near Lake Constance. At the end of a long day of hard work, the employees had successfully assembled new playground equipment, set up a grill area and laid out a garden with paths. The MHP employees also had time to paint the interior walls of some rooms. MHP naturally took over the arising material costs.

"We usually come together once a year to spend a pleasant day together as a team – like the time we went paragliding", says Dr. Oliver Oswald, Head of Technology & Integration Solutions at MHP. "This time, however, all the colleagues decided they wanted to do something else and use the time and budget to help a good cause. We all have had the good fortune to have a good education and have jobs, which most of us really love. This is why we wanted to try and give a little something back."

<link http://www.ardmediathek.de/ard/servlet/content/3517136?documentId=10193716>You can hear the complete interview with Dr. Oliver Oswald here in the ARD media library (German only)...</link>

<link http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mieschke-Hofmann-und-Partner-MHP/113726732011677>You can view the photos of our day in the Linzgau youth and children's home here…</link>

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