MHP in Germany
As a subsidiary of Porsche MHP is one of the leading consulting firms.
Since its foundation in May 1996, our company has recorded continuous growth. We advise and support our customers with the service areas Management Consulting, System Integration, Managed Services and Digital Services and Solutions from 20 locations - Ludwigsburg (3x), Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt a. M., Ingolstadt, Munich, Nuremberg, Wolfsburg (2x), Dresden, England (Reading, London), the USA (Atlanta), China (Shanghai), Romania (Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara), the Czech Republic (Prague) and Austria (Zell am See) - over 300 customers worldwide.
On a national and international level, we support companies both strategically and operationally. With extensive international project experience, an established partner network and our international locations, we support our customers in their international projects and globalization plans.
More about MHP in Germany
MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH
Foundation 02.05.1996 in Karlsruhe-Ettlingen
Founders Dr.-Ing. Ralf Hofmann and Dr.-Ing. Lutz Mieschke
Management Federico Magno (Chairman), Marc Zimmermann, Markus Wambach
Partners Amir Cviko | Andreas Richter | Andreas Schwall | Andrés Hernandez | Anke Höller | Artur Hofmann | Axel Potel | Benjamin Kurz | Bernd-Otto Hörmann | Björn Kasten | Bodo Philipp | Dr. Christian Fiebig | Christiane Margies | Christiane Sagkob | Christian Stapel | Dirk Manhart | Dominik Dieckmann | Florian Langer | Florian Strauß | Frank Völlmecke | Georg Botos | Henning Hiebsch | Henning Schulze | Dr. Horst-Florian Jaeck | Ingo Windshügel | Jan Detert | Dr. Jan Wehinger | Lutz Garschke | Marco Sobola | Marcus Willand | Maria Appel | Marion Toennishoff | Markus Haenssler | Matthias Grüner | Maximilian Sander | Michael Appel | Mirko Rajs | Patricia Lorek-Kwiatkowski | Peter Caracciolo | Peter Sülzle | Philip Vospeter | Radu Radovici | Richard Lorenz | Dr. Robert Marek | Simon Pilhar | Sorin Ionescu | Stefan Dierks | Stefan Weiß | Stefano Esposito | Stephan Baier | Susanne Drexl-Wittbecker | Dr. Sylvia Trage | Dr. Thilo Greshake | Thomas Gläsner | Dr. Thomas Ziemen | Thomas Mooser | Timo Haug | Tobias Hoffmeister | Tom Huber | Tommy Kiesel | Dr. Walter Heibey
Headquarters Film- und Medienzentrum | Königsallee 49 | 71638 Ludwigsburg | Deutschland
Locations/Offices 12 (Ludwigsburg 3x | Berlin | Dusseldorf | Frankfurt a. M. | Ingolstadt | Munich | Nuremberg | Wolfsburg 2x | Dresden)
Industry focus Mobility, Manufacturing, Logistics & Transportation
MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH
Königsallee 49
71638 Ludwigsburg
Tel. +49 (0)7141 7856-0
Fax +49 (0)7141 7856-199
eMail info(at)mhp.com