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Microsoft Mobility Summit 2021

Sustainable mobility: Ecological and economical?

Event data

Language: German
Event location:

Digital event

Sustainable mobility – Can it be ecological and economical at the same time? And above all: What contribution can digitalization make here? These questions will be discussed by Microsoft together with MHP and other partners such as Esri Deutschland, Cosmo Consult, as well as representatives from politics, the public sector and business.

From 14:00 - 16:30, you can participate in interesting keynote sessions, pitches and a panel discussion and find out about the views of various experts.

Our expert Marcus Willand will moderate the panel discussion on the topic "Sustainable mobility – Ecological or economical?" There will then be, among other things, a pitch from MHP on the topic "Digitalization as an accelerator of sustainable mobility".

You can register for the event here. The number of participants for this event will be limited, so please register as soon as possible.

Event data

Language: German
Event location:

Digital event