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Your Mission: Green Corporate Mobility

How to Make Your Company’s Mobility Choices More Sustainable

Event data

Language: German
Event type: Webinar

There are countless reasons for making the switch to green corporate mobility: First and foremost, more environmentally friendly mobility options cost less. In addition, companies can benefit from tax breaks and subsidies that encourage a sustainable approach. Finally, ensuring that your business prioritizes sustainable mobility choices can enhance your image. Despite all these benefits, companies are not making green mobility choices in the vast majority of cases. This decision is primarily due to the fact that managers are dealing with an ongoing battle between sustainability goals, employee aspirations, and cost efficiency.

To stop companies from prioritizing expensive options that are not widely accepted, the first step is to ensure that regulatory frameworks are aligned with sustainability goals and strategies. Next, it is important to correctly calculate and classify corporate emissions. This is the only reliable way to identify measures for substituting, eliminating, or compensating for pollutant emissions. Using our MHP methodology (cycle model), companies can implement appropriate measures that are aligned with their goals and aspirations in a way that is effective, economical, and accepted by employees.

During our MHPDeepDive “Your Mission: Green Corporate Mobility,” we will start by looking at the applicable legislation. We will show you exactly where emissions are generated and how they can be measured and analyzed. We will then present our MHP methodology based on the cycle model and explain what measures are effective for achieving sustainability goals and which choices will result in carbon-neutral corporate mobility.

Here’s what to expect in our MHPDeepDive:

  • We will start by looking at sustainability and carbon neutrality and explain the applicable legislation.
  • We will explain where emissions are generated in connection with corporate mobility and how to analyze emissions.
  • We will present our MHP methodology for eliminating, substituting, and compensating for emissions generated by corporate mobility.


  • Steve Reichert, Senior Manager, Future Retail & Mobility at MHP
  • Sarah Ruhland, Senior Consultant, Sustainability & Mobility Transformation at MHP
  • Jason Kinzler, Consultant, Future Retail & Mobility at MHP

Event data

Language: German
Event type: Webinar