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MHP Continues its International Growth

New office at the Romanian location in Cluj-Napoca.

Ludwigsburg/Cluj-Napoca, 17.06.2015 – MHP is also growing at its Romanian location in the university town of Cluj-Napoca. MHP has now been working together with its partners in Romania since 2010. In early 2014 it founded a separate company there and opened the first office. At the start 40 people were employed in Romania, today the figure is approximately 110. By the end of the year the number of employees is planned to rise to 170. This trend is the reason why MHP took over a new office Cluj-Napoca in May. Office space of over 2,000 square meters is available to MHP in the modern complex. This is room enough for further expansion.

Bernd Hörmann, Associated Partner at MHP and Operations Manager at the Romanian location: "The rapid development last year greatly exceeded our expectations. To ensure further dynamic growth, we are constantly seeking new employees – above all college graduates with a degree in business administration or computer science." MHP provides high-quality IT services for MHP customers around the world from Romania. These include, for example, application management, process integration, and development of customized software. Dr. Oliver Oswald, CEO of the MHP company in Romania: "Romania is perfectly suited for us as a location because we can find the qualified employees here whom we need for our challenging tasks."

Recruiting is assisted, for instance, by the close cooperation with the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. MHP provides support there with the computer science course in German that was established last year. Most recently an Innovation Lab was installed. Furthermore, students regularly have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the company and consulting in practice in the form of workshops. MHP will additionally offer internships to second year students.

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