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HR Transformation Between Ambition and Reality

Why change has to be considered holistically.

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HR is under pressure - The wave of quittings from the coronavirus year 2021 has left open positions across many companies that are still not filled.

At a time when the strategic relevance of HR has never been greater, a modernization trend in organizational structures is emerging that is pushing back traditional models in favour of a stronger employee experience. However, HR transformation is stalling at the process level, as many companies are lagging behind in terms of role transparency and a clearly defined HR service catalog. Although 70% of companies are focusing on the introduction of new technologies and systems, there is a risk that this focus is overlooking other important dimensions. One notable aspect is the importance of the "human factor": companies recognize the need to develop employees, but often focus only on HR instead of integrating other stakeholders. 

This is where our white paper comes in, highlighting the changes in the HR function in 252 German companies along the four dimensions of the MHP model - Organization, Processes, Technology & People Enablement - with exclusive practical tips from our team of experts to illustrate what a truly holistic transformation approach can look like in practice.

Central questions in our whitepaper:

  • How is the HR function integrated into the overall structure of the company? 
  • What strategies are companies pursuing to optimize their HR structure and what specific change measures are they taking? 
  • How much use is made of HR analytics and how does this influence the efficiency and quality of HR processes? 
  • To what extent do new technologies play a role in HR transformation? 
  • How is the introduction of new systems evaluated and how do they support efficiency and employee experience? 
  • What obstacles exist in the implementation of these development measures? 
  • How are KPIs or SLAs used to control and evaluate HR processes? 

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