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Fostering excellent IT talents, developing career paths

MHP supports CIO Stiftung

  • MHP supports CIO Stiftung, a charitable foundation dedicated to fostering new professional talent 
  • In the course of the Hamburg IT Strategy Days (February 18 to 21, 2025), Dominik Dieckmann, MHP partner, was appointed to the CIO Stiftung board of trustees 
  • The purpose of the foundation is to foster outstanding young IT talent by providing grants in connection with the new talent competitions “CIO Young Talent Award” and “CIO Executive Award” 

Ludwigsburg / Hamburg – “No innovations without talents” – that was the conclusion arrived at by the management and IT consultancy MHP at the Hamburg IT Strategy Days on February 19, 2025. During one of the podium discussions, Dominik Dieckmann, MHP partner, emphasized the importance of attracting and retaining IT specialists in Germany. 

Federico Magno, MHP Group CEO, added: “Innovations are key to our future prosperity. As businesses, we are therefore called upon to foster IT talents and support their development. At MHP, we encourage continuous learning and the creation of new perspectives – with the aim of growing further together globally. We are therefore all the more pleased to now have the opportunity of helping to foster and support new IT talent as supporters of CIO Stiftung.” 

At the Hamburg IT Strategy Days, MHP was officially welcomed into the donor group, with the objective of supporting the foundation’s purpose both financially and in terms of ideas. As a member of the board of trustees, Dominik Dieckmann will provide active assistance with the selection and support of the new talents. 

“We are delighted to be able to welcome Dominik Dieckmann to the board of trustees of CIO Stiftung. With MHP’s engagement, we will be able to continue fostering new talent in collaboration with the WHU business school – irrespective of origin, financial means, or social background. This is enormously important as diversity and inclusion in IT and at management level mean priceless added value for the economy and for society,” said Jens Dose, head of the board of trustees and editor in chief of the CIO brand at Foundry.

This is precisely the objective pursued by CIO Stiftung with its new talent competitions “CIO Young Talent” and “CIO Executive Award”, where winners obtain full or partial grants for an (executive) MBA at the WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. Among other things, they learn how to conduct responsible leadership in practice and obtain insights and skills relating to complex problem solving in challenging strategic environments.  

Dominik Dieckmann: “The role of the CIO is becoming ever more important in the increasingly digitalized world. This was also illustrated by our latest study Industry 4.0 Barometer 2025: The results from the survey show that the role of a CIO as part of the management team has a decisive impact on companies’ long-term success and competitiveness in an increasingly data-driven economy. Beside IT expertise, CIOs also have to have leadership and interdisciplinary competences.” 

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