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Arena Ludwigsburg to be renamed MHPArena

MHP new sponsor of Arena Ludwigsburg

The Arena Ludwigsburg will soon have a new name thanks to MHP. The home arena of the Beko Basketball Bundesliga team "Neckar Riesen Ludwigsburg" will be renamed the "MHPArena". The preliminary contract - for the 10-year commitment on the part of MHP - was signed on Wednesday (29.08.2012) by Mayor Werner Spec and the Chairman of the MHP Executive Board, Dr. Ralf Hofmann.

"We decided to sponsor the arena, because we identify with Ludwigsburg and we want to continue to grow as a successful company", explains MHP CEO Dr. Ralf Hofmann. "A sport and events area in which people regularly perform at peak levels is appropriate for our profile as a highly successful consultancy firm."

Mayor Werner Spec is also delighted to have MHP as a partner, a company which belongs to the Champions League of IT consultancy firms, acc. to Spec and which will soon be based in Ludwigsburg in addition to its branches in Schlossgut Harteneck and the "Film- und Medienzentrum" (Film and Media Centre).

From this season, MHP will also support the "Neckar Riesen Ludwigsburg" basketball team as a business partner. "We are really big fans of the dynamic teamsport that is basketball, as team spirit is also key to the success of MHP", says Dr. Hofmann. "We are delighted, with our commitment, to be supporting the home team of the MHPArena". The sustainable youth concept of the club, which focuses on developing individual potential, is also in line with MHP's corporate culture.

In the case of queries:
Mieschke Hofmann und Partner (MHP) GmbH
Ingo Guttenson (Marketing Manager)
Schlossstrasse 12
D-71691 Freiberg a. N.
Tel. +49 (0)7141 7856-184
Fax +49 (0)7141 7856-199
E-mail <link iguttenson@mhp.de>iguttenson@mhp.de</link>

Press release links (German only):
<link http://www.ludwigsburg.de/,Lde/start/Stadt+_+Buerger/Arena+Ludwigsburg+heisst+kuenftig+MHPArena.html>http://www.ludwigsburg.de/,Lde/start/Stadt+_+Buerger/Arena+Ludwigsburg+heisst+kuenftig+MHPArena.html</link>
<link http://www.lkz.de/lokales/stadt-kreis-ludwigsburg_artikel,-Nach-langem-Warten-ein-Name-_arid,81368.html>http://www.lkz.de/lokales/stadt-kreis-ludwigsburg_artikel,-Nach-langem-Warten-ein-Name-_arid,81368.html</link>
<link http://www.webzeitung-lb.de/2012/08/30/arena-ludwigsburg-heist-kunftig-mhparena>http://www.webzeitung-lb.de/2012/08/30/arena-ludwigsburg-heist-kunftig-mhparena</link>
<link http://www.stadionwelt.de/sw_stadien/index.php?head=Naming-Right-Arena-Ludwigsburg-wird-umbenannt&folder=sites&site=news_detail&news_id=7854>http://www.stadionwelt.de/sw_stadien/index.php?head=Naming-Right-Arena-Ludwigsburg-wird-umbenannt&folder=sites&site=news_detail&news_id=7854</link>
<link http://www.stadionwelt-business.de/?head=Naming-Right-Arena-Ludwigsburg-wird-umbenannt&rubrik=betrieb&news_id=8264&site=news_view&kat=naming_right>http://www.stadionwelt-business.de/?head=Naming-Right-Arena-Ludwigsburg-wird-umbenannt&rubrik=betrieb&news_id=8264&site=news_view&kat=naming_right</link>

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