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MHP again in top 10 of the Automobilwoche survey!

MHP came in a respectable 7th place in the top 10 of the Germany's largest IT service providers.

The German automotive industry has, in recent years, significantly increased its investments in IT. The annual survey of the Automobilwoche magazine, which involved the 40 leading IT service providers in the automotive sector, showed, however, that providers of IT and communication technology are under high consolidation pressure; this is, in turn, being further exacerbated by new competitors.

The 25 largest IT service providers achieved, with automobile manufacturers and suppliers in Germany, an overall turnover of over 3.2 billion Euro in 2011. This represents an increase in IT investments of 10.6% in comparison to the previous year. The top 25 achieived an increase in turnover of, on average, 15.6%. MHP in 7th position was once again under the top 10 of the largest IT service providers and is firmly established among the leading automotive specialists.

Ranking list of the top 10 IT service providers for the automotive sector in 2011

1. T-Systems International GmbH
2. SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG
3. IBM Deutschland GmbH
4. Hewlett-Packard GmbH
5. Computacenter AG & Co. oHG
6. NTT Data Deutschland GmbH
7. Mieschke Hofmann und Partner GmbH
8. Atos IT GmbH
9. Capgemini Deutschland Holding GmbH
10. ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik GmbH

Source: Automobilwoche magazine, issue 11.

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