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MHP at the VDA Logistics Congress in Bremen

Thomas Savoir, Associated Partner at MHP and Head of Supply Chain Management, gave a talk on the topic "Change tendencies in the supply chain due to e-mobility"

The process and IT consultancy firm Mieschke Hofmann und Partner (MHP) was represented at this year's VDA Logistics Congress, which took place between February 28-29 in Bremen, by Thomas Savoir, Associated Partner at MHP and and Head of Supply Chain Management, who held a talk on the topic "Change tendencies in the supply chain due to e-mobility".

Almost 230 participants attentively followed his talk. The CO2 emissions, which are generated over the entire supply chain of a product, was a focal point in this connection. A topic, which has previously not been examined or dealt with in this manner.

<link http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mieschke-Hofmann-und-Partner-MHP/113726732011677>You can find more information as well as photos from the VDA Logistics Congress here... </link>

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