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Michael Hetzenecker joins the circle of MHP partners

Responsible for Global Delivery India since October 15th 2023

Ludwigsburg – The circle of MHP partners continues to grow. Michael Hetzenecker took up his position as a partner at MHP on 15 October 2023 and his many years of experience gained from international management positions in Germany, Spain, the UK, the USA and India will be a great asset to MHP's Global Delivery division in India.

His previous activities in Bangalore, New Delhi and Mumbai enabled him to develop a profound understanding of cultural elements and business aspects. He later founded his own PLM consultancy and worked as Vice President India for an international consulting firm. His expertise in areas such as programme management, service delivery and business development, combined with his international mindset, make him a perfect fit for the upcoming projects at MHP.

Asked about his current role in India, Michael Hetzenecker says: "My focus is on the global delivery setup there. MHP will continue to grow and needs additional space for the development of talent. So for this reason, I’m very pleased that we will have a much more international focus in future, which will open up a lot of new perspectives for us."

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