Ludwigsburg, 25.08.2014 – As part of a joint study, MHP analyzed the customer journeys in the automotive market together with the Nürtingen-Geislingen University. The basis for the study was the customer management model (CMM) developed by MHP. This integrates all customer services, which arise at the different contact points between customers and the brand. The CMM thus provides manufacturers and dealers with the basis for a digital strategy that is connected with the real world and leads to a reorientation in the customer interaction - away from classic CRM to a holistic customer management approach that is focused on the customer.
Over the course of the joint study, the objective was to validate the procedure defined by the CMM under real conditions. For the study, ten different customer journeys – i.e. the journey that an automotive customer makes from the initial contact up until the "customer requirement has been satisfied" – with different traditional as well as new customer touchpoints were created, the customers' expectations derived and a mystery shopping carried out based on this. A total of 80 use cases with over 1000 sales opportunities were thus generated and checked.
The findings showed that almost half of the inquiries in the interaction chain between the customer and brand were broken off during the customer journey. Dirk Manhart, who as an Associated Partner at MHP is responsible for the area Customer Management: "Companies are thus losing out, in approx. 49% of the inquiries, on the opportunity to establish contact with the customer and thus generate a potential sale. This should be considered as alarming against the background of a saturated market in which crowding out is increasingly prevailing over new captures."
"Our conclusion in a nutshell is as follows: This is how not to generate customer satisfaction", says Peter Caracciolo, Associated Partner at MHP and responsible here for the topic Automotive Retail. Dirk Manhart: "For this reason, it is an significant finding for us that we can offer - with the customer management model - an interesting approach with which we can help both manufacturers and dealers achieve their objectives, namely ensuring max. customer satisfaction."
You can learn more about the study in our <link - external-link "Dieser Link öffnet einen externen Link in diesem Fenster">>Press release</link>.
In the case of queries in relation to the study, please contact <link - mail "Dieser Link öffnet ein Fenster zum versenden einer Email">>Peter Caracciolo</link>.